
Elderly People/Fine Art (A2 Unit 1)

This was a project I did in my second year at Xaverian College in Fine Art. The topic was based on "Elderly People" so I decided to look up a fair few artists who had work featuring older people. I began with research pages, examples of their work and a brief about each Artist. 

Throughout my sketchbook I used resources such as my grandparents using their hands to sketch from. Then I began trying out hands being my main prospect on different materials. I tried charcoal on news paper, painting on rougher surfaces then drawing with ink. However I used ink much more towards the end of this project. I liked the way I could make fine strings, almost remind myself of cobwebs. I enjoyed being incredibly bold with this piece, I found the outcome rather haunting.

My final piece was a series of hands drawn in ink on mounted news paper and black paint. Age is something we will all and we are currently enduring through life. But I think I captured the true horror of it. I find this final outcome quite atrocious but attractive at the same time. Age is neither ugly nor beautiful. It's both.

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